To generate eligible traffic, writing and publishing blog posts or articles on your website is important. Publishing information content on a website blog, resource section, or information section

Today, content is everywhere. It’s insanely competitive.

Did you know that there are over 70 million monthly blog posts published? You need to look beyond publishing content on your website if you are going to gain some real traction.

Sharing your content on industry or niche sites can also help it get seen by more people, in addition to conventional outlets such as Medium.

Think about spreading your content like a megaphone with other outlets: the more places you promote it, the broader the message can spread.

Ready to amplify your content and boost traffic and conversions on your website?

From the mainstream to the niche, here are 20 places where you can share your content.



The medium allows you to republish your current blog posts (they even add a rel=canonical link if you use their import feature), but you can also use this platform as a way to increase traffic to the full blog posts on your site.

This is the technique used by DrumUp: they post snippets of full blog posts on Medium, and then direct users on their website to the full article.

This may be a technique to try if you do not want to syndicate the entire text of your blog posts.

You could change it up by adding occasional exclusive Medium articles once you’ve built up your readership if you’re getting good traction on Medium.

Also Read:  How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post For More Organic Traffic



Reddit can be a valuable site to consider for content sharing, but it needs to be done the right way.

Redditors are very aware of brands seeking to “spam” their own content with subreddits, so this is generally best left to a few workers with active Reddit accounts who can share company blog posts once or twice a month occasionally.

These papers should be selected carefully to provide users with real value. Redditors may also access the actions of other users, so make sure workers use their Reddit accounts for more than just writing company blog posts.

Otherwise, they will be found out very quickly and the business will be called out, which is never good on such an active forum.

LinkedIn Articles


Like Medium, LinkedIn allows you to syndicate blog posts as LinkedIn articles on your personal LinkedIn profile.

Although these articles do not add rel=canonical links automatically at present, research has shown that Google does not flag them as duplicate content (even though they show up on duplicate content search sites like Copyscape).

Many users have built up a large subscription base for their posts on the site due to their current network on LinkedIn.

Users may opt to subscribe to posts from users, meaning they will receive a notification each time anything new is published by the user.

This built-in warning system is a definite advantage over other platforms, especially as your blog readers do not receive such alerts unless they subscribe to email updates, which is much greater than checking a box to receive a notification on LinkedIn on the platform.



An “oldie but goodie” tactic that still draws considerable weight is to promote your content by email.

Email subscribers are 3.9x more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other outlets, in addition to being far more loyal to your brand.

Campaign Monitor found that you are 6x more likely to get a click from an email than from a sent message. Email clicks are also normally higher than the CTR on social media posts as well.

The way you share your social media content relies heavily on what fits best for your schedule and your users. Experimenting to see what attracts the most hits is worthwhile.

Any time a new post is released (which is normally automated in some way using an RSS feed and a service like Zapier or IFTTT), some businesses or writers choose to send out a new email, while others wait until the end of the week or month to send a newsletter of updates and the latest published articles.

For driving traffic, the platforms above are the most useful. However, depending on the subject and style of your content, there are plenty of other channels to consider.



BizSugar’s aim is to help owners and entrepreneurs achieve greater business success through a community experience.

For almost a decade, BizSugar has been assisting small business owners and entrepreneurs. This online forum is involved in exploring issues of growth and growth hacking for business owners and marketers.

Bizsugar has online activities, free communities, and tools for its users, such as templates for setting goals.

Also Read:  How to optimize your website content for SEO?


Dzone contains hundreds of thousands of free, community-written tutorials, cheatsheets, reviews, and comments aimed at assisting readers in improving their abilities, learning new technologies, and advancing their software careers.

There are over 1 million developers on the Dzone discussion board who share coding, cloud computing, and more content and links.

Twitter Brand Accounts


Consider adding your article to your sharing list for your Twitter brand accounts if your article makes sense to your brand.

For a few months, you can also plan the article to be updated multiple times.

Twitter Personal Accounts


Twitter travels quickly, so it makes sense to share your article in a few places on Twitter, along with a great quote.

It is in your best interest to spread out the shares a little so that your audience is not overwhelmed.

Twitter Chats


Look for industry-related Twitter chats for a more targeted audience and use their hashtags when sharing very high-quality content.

Use it sparingly: don’t spam every piece of content you write using the chat hashtag.

But even when the daily Twitter chats are not going on, it is fairly common to see famous marketing hashtags such as #seochat and #twittersmarter active.

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 Personal Page on Facebook


This one seems obvious, but many people forget it’s a location.

Consider building a Facebook list for working people if you are worried about spamming your relatives or friends who are not in the industry. You don’t have to think about confusing your Great Aunt Gertrude with a step-by-step PPC guide like this.

Brand Facebook Page


Another sort of obvious one, but it’s not meant to be ignored.

Grab a good quote from your material, make sure that your picture is shown correctly, and send it out, assuming your audience is appropriate.

Are you looking for a better tool to manage your Facebook account? For easier cross-posting between accounts, look out for the Facebook business suite.

Facebook Groups


Groups on Facebook are still alive and well! Since Facebook is already used by many users in their personal time, they are typically more active in groups.

Join a few industry-related groups and share your best content once a month, while also, where possible, contributing to the forum.

Be sure to remain involved as a member of the chat or community by answering questions, reading the material of others, and making a sincere contribution to the group.



It takes time to produce very good content.

One way to get the most mileage out of your content is to take highlights and turn it into a SlideShare presentation.

It can help reach a larger audience only by changing the format in which you show your content.



Quora has been around since and is known as the premier question and answer platform for the internet.

Users post a message, and that question is answered by users. Straight forward, pretty.

But it becomes a fantastic opportunity when you realize that a company or a representative will investigate what kinds of questions consumers are asking, and have a comprehensive blog post ready to answer them.

It will help to give you great ideas for content that will drive traffic to your site to know what your audience is having a problem with.

For instance, if someone asks for information about how to hang a picture on a wall and you sell the best hanging nails ever, why not flex some of your expertise on the subject?

You get to answer a potential customer’s question personally while offering a convenient link to a thorough description of it in your blog.

Growth Hackers


In order to take on more work and tackle new challenges, most organizations want to scale up.

Growth Hackers is an online user-generated content community that offers insights on any subject that can be done to increase the scale, boost website sales, customer base, lead generation, etc. of your company.

For many different niche industries, every article is comprehensive and informative. While shining a light on the many ways you are trying to develop your company, make your voice heard. It is worth it.



Flipboard is a neat app that condenses the internet into nice chunks of digestible bite-size. They distribute material from every major publication you can think of, and they target it to the individuals who are looking for it.

A perfect way to push traffic straight to your blog is to build an account and add your content to it. It is also a perfect way to keep track of insights from the industry, and even your own feeds on social media.

What really sets this apart is its simplistic interface, which, algorithmically speaking, is backed up by some serious clout.



Scoop boasts organic traffic of over two million monthly users. For advertisers, it has been a powerhouse forum.

They help marketers find authoritative content in their industry by providing content curation tools, which can then be easily shared on social media.

In the hope that others will also see it and share it with their followers, you may post your content.

Everyone wants the world to share its content, and this tool makes it easy to do so. It is also a perfect way to come up with ideas for new subjects based on what is popular.

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Listly is another fantastic content curation platform available on the market. It allows making lists of content easily with a web application and an official iOS app.

You can publish them to your audience once you have your lists produced.

It also enables your audience to cast a vote on the things on your list as an added bonus, giving you more insight into what your audience values at that moment.



A group of opinion leaders, advertisers, authors, etc. all come together to share their ideas and news under one roof. This platform is a pioneer in the professionally guided delivery of content.

For a new author, this is an excellent place to get their feet wet with public material. It is also a great place for in-depth and professional perspectives on very particular business subjects.



No one likes a self-opportunist who just wants not to indulge in sharing.

You would be much more likely to create good relationships when you are a trusted member of an online community, whether that’s a Medium or a Twitter chat, and become part of a welcoming community that shares the ties with each other.

Sites such as Medium and LinkedIn have given us the ability to share our content and get it seen in front of more people, so don’t take advantage of it by posting low-quality, uninteresting content. After a while, megaphones can get tiresome, so make sure you put down your self-promotional hat and engage in regulatory discussions.