Content creation is not an easy task as it seems. The same content do not receive the same peak level of traffic all the time. Nothing is more disheartening than seeing all the SEO friendly content going into the oblivion after a very short span of time. But this frustration can be overcome by following some simple rules for each of your posts on your website. If you follow these rules properly, you may end up in getting long-term traffic to your website.
Remember, there are no shortcuts to a sustained success. But to get you some relief and to provide your posts with constant popularity level, here we are enlisting 10 quintessential ways that can help you in your journey of content creation.
1. On-Page SEO and Long-tail keywords:
This is the first and foremost thing to be remembered while writing any post. Although, SEO rules have changed over time; but they are not dead. Using image alt text, linking your new content internally and describing the content with a meta tag etc. are some of the alive practices of On-page SEO that needs to be performed for each new post. Moreover, targeting the long-tail keywords is equally essential because it accounts for a majority of web searches. Be it a paid search or any SEO effort, you must include them.
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2. Guest blogging and inviting other’s for guest blogging:
You must have heard that guest blogging is dead, but it’s not so. Only the standards of guest blogging have changed to deal with the spammy tactics. Spammy tactics are met with stiff penalties. But if you write any genuine post on a reputable site, you still have abundant chances of increasing blog traffic to your site. Remember, guest blogging is a two-way process. You must allow and invite other people also to blog on your website. This adds authenticity to your website, and this could even bring new readers to your site.
3. Social Media trick and advertising:
You have to be proactive with your content. You cannot rely on the assumption that as your content is great, so people will find it themselves. You have to make people find it to like it. For this, you need to use social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram etc. Each social media platform has its own unique content promotion strategy, so you need to have a good understanding of that. Once understood, you can plan your content promotion strategy accordingly.
Social media promotion needs to be used in conjunction with advertising, if your sole aim is to build your brand and get your content in front of the people. Set your goals and then adjust your paid and unpaid strategies accordingly.
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4. Boost internal and external linking structures of your website:
There should be no broken link in your website. While creating any new content, never forget to link it internally. It is not useful only for the SEO purpose, but for the enhanced user experience as well. So, all the links that comes to the website or goes out, or links internally needs to be well managed.
5. Speed of Page Loading:
If any webpage takes more than 30 second to load, it loses its competitiveness in the market, however well-structured and good content page be it. To avoid this, you need to technically optimize your page by structuring your pages, compressing image file sizes, improving the functionality of third-party plugins and likewise. Faster the speed, the better is the traffic.
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6. Constantly Examine your Analytics data:
Keeping an eye on the analytics data is the best way of planning any promotional strategy for any content. Google analytics helps you to explore from the most popular pages of your website to the visitor demographics. The detailed analysis provided by it sometimes becomes an eye opener for any website developer/editor. Keeping a constant vigil on the analytics data help you to find any flaws before it’s too late.
7. Incorporate Videos in your site:
Texts are interesting, but videos are attracting. Videos make your site more engaging and thus attract new visitors. And if the videos are very informative or unique, you cannot even imagine the height of attention you can receive from the online community. Creating some viral content is also not a bad option.
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8. Keep an eye on your competitors:
Keeping an eye on the others is the best way to improve ourselves. We can understand from their success and failures, about what is good and bad for us. Softwares like BuzzSumo etc. helps us to check about what are competitors are up to. These softwares analyze the social performance and the content strategy of the competitors and hint us about the trending topics.
9. Foster a sense of community and join community yourself:
People love to talk about the way they feel about a particular topic. So building a community in a site is the best way of starting a conversation. The conversation indirectly increases traffic to your website. But be cautious about maintaining the standards of decorum in the community, or else it will be a disaster.
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10. Implement Schema Microdata:
Last but not the least, implementing schema might not increase the traffic as you wish, but it will make sure that search engine bots find your page and then index it on their search pages. Schema even creates rich site snippets which improves click-through rates. If not directly, Schema increases the traffic indirectly for sure.