Your WordPress Website safety and speed are paramount to building your website traffic and the services offered. But how do you know if you are doing enough to keep the smooth running of your website?

The common response is, you don’t. Businesses struggle to keep up with the things like Website safety despite knowing its importance. If you have a WordPress website, you need to be more alert about the website’s security and data protection.

How secure is WordPress?


WordPress is a secure platform, but there are always risks when using any type of online content management system. By taking some basic precautions, you can help to ensure that your WordPress site is as secure as possible.

According to, WordPress is used by over 60 million websites, including many large organizations, such as The Guardian, Forbes, and The New York Times. Given its widespread use, it’s no surprise that WordPress has been the target of hackers and other malicious actors.

However, the WordPress team is quick to address security issues, and new updates are released regularly to patch any vulnerabilities. In addition, there are a number of plugins and themes available that can help to further secure your WordPress Website.

Overall, WordPress is a very secure platform. However, as with any type of online content management system, there are always risks involved. By taking some basic precautions, you can help to ensure that your WordPress Website is as secure as possible.

How WordPress Can Be Attacked?


WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS), used by millions of people around the world. Unfortunately, this popularity also makes it a target for attackers.

There are many ways in which WordPress can be attacked, but some of the most common include:

1. Brute force attacks: This is where attackers try to guess your username and password, using automated tools. This can be prevented by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

2. SQL injection attacks: Attackers use this method to inject malicious code into your database in order to steal data or take control of your website. This can be avoided by employing secure coding and maintaining up-to-date software.

3. Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: This is the process through which attackers inject malicious code into your website in order to steal information or take control of it. This can be avoided by utilising secure coding and updating your software.

4. Denial of service (DoS) attacks: This is where attackers overload your server with traffic, in order to take your website offline. This can be prevented by using a security plugin and a good hosting provider.

5. Malware: In order to steal information or seize control of your website, attackers infect it with malicious code at this point. Utilizing a security plugin and maintaining current software versions can stop this.

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Steps to Protect Your WordPress Website

1. Keep your WordPress installation up to date.


If you want to secure your WordPress Website, you need to ensure that you’re running the latest version of WordPress. New versions of WordPress are released regularly, and each new release includes security fixes for any vulnerabilities that have been discovered.

Usually, these versions are automatically updated if you have enabled the option in your WordPress settings. However, it’s always a good idea to check manually to ensure that your site is running the latest version. You can do this by going to the Updates page in your WordPress dashboard. If there is a new version available, you will be prompted to update.

So by keeping your WordPress installation up to date, you’ll be making sure that your site is as secure as possible.

2. Use a strong password and never reuse passwords.


Often WordPress Website are hacked due to common password mistakes. When choosing a password for your WordPress site, you should always use a strong password. A strong password is one that is difficult to guess and contains a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

You should also never reuse passwords. This means that you should have a different password for each website or online account that you use. If you reuse passwords, it’s easy for hackers to gain access to multiple accounts if they manage to crack your password.

Another common mistake that people make is using “admin” as their username. This is the default WordPress username, and it’s well-known to hackers. If you’re using “admin” as your username, it makes it much easier for hackers to guess your password and gain access to your WordPress Website.

3. Daily Backup Your Website


Have you ever worked on a major project that took hours of time, only to destroy your laptop, to lose everything? It happens, at least once, to everyone. Some rather than others, generally out of laziness or not learning from the error of not backing it all up.

That’s why it is important to make physical backups to keep the resources intact. Much like many of us sending backups of images and documents to different cloud storage services, a backup of the website and other related data to an external storage medium would ensure that if the worst were to happen, you have it.

Backing up your WordPress site is one of the most important things you can do to protect it from hackers. If your site is hacked, you will lose all of your data unless you have a backup.

There are many plugins that you can use to back up your WordPress site. We recommend using a plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy. These plugins make it easy to create and schedule regular backups of your WordPress site.

4. Use a security plugin.


There are many different security plugins available for WordPress. These plugins can help to secure your WordPress site in a number of different ways. Some security plugins will scan your site for malware and viruses, while others will help to block hackers from gaining access to your site.

Wordfence is a popular security plugin that helps to secure your WordPress site in a number of different ways. It will scan your site for malware and viruses, block hackers from gaining access to your site, and even help you recover your site if it’s hacked.

Another popular security plugin is Sucuri. This plugin also helps to secure your WordPress site and includes features such as malware scanning, security hardening, and blacklist monitoring.

5. Host your WordPress site on a secure server.


Host your WordPress site on a secure server.

Make sure that your WordPress site is hosted on a secure server. A secure server is one that has up-to-date software, a strong firewall, and security measures in place to protect your site from hackers.

Often to save cost, people will host their WordPress site on a shared server. However, this can be a security risk as your site will be sharing a server with other sites. If one of those sites is hacked, your site could also be at risk.

So it’s important to make sure that your WordPress site is hosted on a secure server. You can ask your hosting provider about the security measures they have in place, or you can research different WordPress hosting providers to find one that offers secure hosting.

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Final Thoughts

If your website fails, do you have the skills to hold your company afloat? Do you have someone who, in the event of a catastrophic disaster, will recover everything? Did you make a schedule, double-check the plan, then, just in case, make plan B and plan C?

You’re not alone if you replied NO to all of these, and now you certainly have some things to think about. Fresh insight inspires transformation. And there are options for a lifeline, such as the WordPress Care Plan, a monthly service that keeps an eye on your web, does backups off-site, keeps up with any and all changes, and many, many more features.

Following these steps will help to protect your WordPress site from hackers. If you suspect that your site has been hacked, contact a security expert immediately.

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