LinkedIn is said to be the largest professional network in the world. It is a suitable platform to establish connections and promoting yourself as a brand. According to a report by DMR(, approximately 546 million users use LinkedIn and around 106 million new users visit the site per month. A total of 3 million people shares their content on the website per week. The geographical reach of LinkedIn is 200 countries and 80 percent of people believe that professional network is important for their success.

But, these facts are useless for you until and unless you don’t know how to get engagement to your content. Nobody will see your posts and your content will not get the traction it deserves. Here we discuss few points to attract traffic to your LinkedIn content:

  1. Generate a powerful content: The first step towards higher engagement is to write the kind of a content which people would want to read. Focus on the wants, likes, and behaviour of your audience, and get their LinkedIn engagement through likes, shares, and comments in return. Undoubtedly, LinkedIn is a platform for professional network but professional people are also humans not robots. They have emotions and communication happens only between humans not robots. Therefore, the content should be brief, and connecting.
  2. Build a brand for yourself: To engage people towards your content, you need to post content regularly. The people around you on LinkedIn then will be able to recognize you and your brand. According to Kevan Lee, Content creator from Buffer Social ‘quality is the commodity and consistency is the key.’ So, consistent content is must to build a brand for yourself.
  3. Post content at the right time: Timing plays an important role when it comes to engagement. Post your content at a time when maximum people are online. According to HubSpot( the perfect time to post to LinkedIn is during office hours which includes 7:30-8:30 a.m., 12 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. So, post your content at the right time and nail it.
  4. Invite people to comment and share your content: You are not a VVIP. So why would anybody read your content? In the beginning, you need to prove yourself and you need to invite people to read, comment, and share your content by mentioning them in comment section.
  5. Experiment, Experiment, and Experiment: Keep on doing experiments with your content. Use visuals, post strategically, and measure results. Do whatever you can to make your content unique but never be boring.