While Digital Marketing is gaining as the most influential type of Marketing with the internet making all sorts of data available to marketers, losing reputation on the internet too is equally easy. Small insignificant issues might turn into giant black holes that suck up all your time and energy. So that you do not fall into this pothole here are 15 Digital Marketing trends that can harm your businesses and which should be avoided at all costs:

 Being insensitive

Being insensitiveA mattress ad showed Malala Yousufzai being shot in the head and falling on the mattress only to bounce back off the mattress to claim the Nobel Prize. This ad was lambasted by critics and the general public alike. Try to avoid showing anyone in poor light and making undue use of sensitive topics. Creativity is necessary but it should simultaneously be in good taste. Also, refrain from making fun of any particular group. For example Indians are very sensitive about their image and any criticism is not taken lightly.

Having no specific plan

Having no specific planAbout half of the companies do not have a well specified plan about what they aim to achieve through digital marketing. Having a fixed budget, performing a SWOT analysis, and having fixed marketing objectives go a long way in a successful digital marketing campaign.

Not evaluating continuously

Not evaluating continuouslyBusinesses need to have periodic reviews of the metrics that have been established as a yardstick for success. This will help in determining a more efficient budget by determining the key performance indicators. Do not be stuck with the same objectives and performance indicators for months on end. Try to become more efficient with every passing day.

Blind email marketing

Blind email marketingSending emails blindly over to people with no regard of whether it is helpful to the customer or not and without keeping in mind the user’s search history and preferences is a sure shot way to getting the user to click on the unsubscribe button. Email marketing like any other form of marketing is done to attract the customer and not make them averse to the product.

Not focussing on the relevant social media site

Not focussing on the relevant social media siteFor some businesses, LinkedIn might be relevant and not Facebook. In fact a majority of the marketers place more faith on LinkedIn than on Facebook. Pick your choice of social media site after considerable research. Also do not spread yourself too thin and have a presence on every social media site if you do not have the resources.

Not thinking about mobiles

Not thinking about mobilesUsing the internet solely on Personal Computers is a practice that died around a decade earlier. Not targeting mobile phone users is not an option anymore.

Taking local searches for granted

Taking local searches for grantedSearch engines are reporting an increase in the number of local and geo targeted searches. Since Google’s “Pigeon” update which brings a lot more focus on local searching, most entrepreneurs have been giving an increased importance to the local factor.

Not increasing your digital marketing budget

Not increasing your digital marketing budgetAbout one thirds of the marketers have reduced their advertising budgets on TVs and billboards to focus more on the digital marketing aspect. Do not miss on riding this wave.

Also Read: SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2021

Desperate attempts to get people to visit your blog on website

Desperate attempts to get people to visit your blog on websiteFor e.g. posting an exciting news article on a social media site and having a footnote which says “source is mentioned on our site xyz.com”. Please do not do this. Such lines are a big turn off for people. Tell about the source on the social media site itself. If the content is exciting and useful for a user he/she will check out your blog or site on their own. Give credit where it is due and you will receive credit when it is due.


AstroturfingPaying firms to plant in fake reviews and cover up negative ones may sound appealing in the short run but might mean the end of one’s business once word gets around. Don’t buy followers and reviews.

Do not outsource the work of brand building to anyone else

Do not outsource the work of brand building to anyone elseNo one knows your business and your ethics better than you and your employees. A third party will only be able to provide a shadow of what you could do with your own digital marketing team.

Also Read: On-Page SEO Techniques To Boost Your Rankings

Blindly believing the 1% conversion rate rule

Conversion-Rate - Who Is User X?There is no universal rule as such although many marketers take this to be a law rather than a falsely spread rumour.

Being too intrusive

Being too intrusiveDo not ask for personal information that users might hesitate to provide. It makes them suspicious of your intentions what with all the hacking incidents growing in number.

Trusting Bad Data

Trusting Bad DataEnsure that the data you are taking into consideration while making key decisions is clean and does not include spam from countries like China. Even though the numbers might fall and hurt your ego, bad information is just as good as or probably even worse than no information. While making key decisions it is imperative that the data taken into account is reliable.

Overdoing Search Engine Optimisation

Overdoing Search Engine OptimisationToo much of anything is bad and too much focus on keywords and page rankings will only do unintended harm. Do the basics right. The rest will take care of itself.